Legal Advisor Monthly Publications
Current Legal Advisor
2010 - 2017
- March 2017 --- DUI Update and Issues
- 2017 -
- October 2016 --- Probation Searches by Law Enforcement Officers
- September 2016 --- Constructive Possession
- July 2016 --- Credit Card Fraud
- June 2016 --- Cell Phone Searches In Light Of Riley
- April 2016 --- When is Inevitable Discovery Not So Inevitable?
- February 2016 --- Florida Money Laundering Act (896.101)
- January 2016 --- The Evidentiary Value of the Controlled Call
- 2016 -
- October 2015 --- Loitering or Prowling in Light of McClamma v State
- July 2015 --- Aggravated Fleeing to Elude
- June 2015 --- Surviving Review At First Appearance And Getting Charges Filed
- April 2015 --- Loitering and Prowling
- February 2015 --- The "Daubert" Standard and Law Enforcement Testimony
- 2015 -
- December 2014 --- Statutory Changes for 2014
- August 2014 --- Probation Searches Revisited
- June 2014 --- Identity Theft and Tax Return Fraud
- April 2014 --- You Are Free To Leave
- March 2014 --- Early Case Resolution/VOP Division: We are not the "DARK SIDE"
- January 2014 --- The How and Why of Juvenile Policies and Procedures
- 2014 -
- December - Getting Back to the Basics: Trial Advice 101
- May - Suspect Interviews: When does the Interview have to Stop?
- March - The Importance of a Defendant's Statement
- January - The White Collar Crime Victim Act
- 2013 -
- July - Legal Odds & Ends
- June - When is a Prisoner Not in Custody?
- April - The Wonderful, Wacky World of Driving While License Suspended or Revoked
- March - Investigating Elderly Exploitation
- February - Burglary, Curtilage, and Burglary Tools
- 2012 -
2000 - 2009
- December - Investigating Cases Involving the Elderly or Disabled
- September - Competency and Age in Juvenile Court
- July - New Laws 2009
- June - The Importance of Photopaks
- May - Responding to the Gant Decision
- April - New Laws 2008
- 2009 -
- August - Gathering Evidence at a DUI Arrest
- June - Using Confidential Informants With Pending Charges or On Probation
- May - Ten Tips To Get Your Felony Cases Filed
- January - Traffic Stops and Drug K-9 Searches
- 2008 -
- September - New Laws 2007
- July - Depositions...Do's and Don'ts
- March - Tips and Advice for New Law Enforcement Officers
- December - January - Traffic Stops For Equipment Violations
- 2007 -
- December - January - Traffic Stops For Equipment Violations
- October - November - New Laws 2006
- September - Juvenile Pickup Orders
- March - A Few Ways to Help Improve Prosecution of Criminal Traffic Offenses
- February - Suggestions For Thorough Reports
- January - From Call Out To The Court Room
- 2006 -
- September - Felonies and Misdemeanors
- August - New Laws
- July - A Primer For Testifying Effectively and Professionally
- June - Prosecutors Need to Know the Whole Story
- May - Update On Warrantless Arrests On VOPS and Community Control
- April - Issues of Theft and Dealing in Stolen Property
- March - Juvenile Confessions
- January - February - Building A Case Without The Victim
- 2005 -
- December - What We Look For in Your Reports
- October - November - Questioning the Incarcerated Suspect
- August - September - Uniform D.U.I. Affidavits & Reports
- July - New Laws
- June -Using Detection Risk Assessment in Juvenile Cases
- May -FAH and New Bond Schedule
- April - The Traffic Stop
- March - Uniform Traffic Citation Review
- February - Domestic Violence Review
- December 03/January - Arrest of Vehicle Passengers
- 2004 -
- December 03/January - Arrest of Vehicle Passengers
- November - Making Your Case
- October - Chapter 948, Florida Statutes
- September - Legislative Update
- August - DUI Investigations
- July - Source of Information Bolo
- June - Confessions Can Make the Case
- May - Reminders from Juvenile Court
- April - Death Penalty
- March - Elder Abuse & Exploitation
- February - Injunctions for Protection
- 2003 -
- June 02- Who is That Giving You Content to Search
- May - Making Legal Stops
- April - Jurisdiction in Juvenile Cases
- March - When and How to Use Drug-Trained Canines During Vehicle Stops
- February - Is Surreptitious Taping of Suspects Proper
- January - Placing Individuals into Protective Custody
- 2002 -
- December - New FDLE Rules for Collection and Storage of Legal Blood Draws
- November - The Importance of Physical Evidence or Why We Occasionally No Bill Domestic Violence Cases
- August - Failure to Return Rent-To-Own Property is Now a Felony
- July - New Laws for 2001
- June - When Can Law Enforcement Detain a Vehicle's Passenger
- April/May - Changes in Polk Felony Intake
- March - Failure of a Sexual Offender or Predator to Register
- February - Traffic Stops
- January - Legal Issues Involving Juveniles
- 2001 -
- December - An update regarding search warrant affidavits
- November - Implied consent in DUI cases
- October - Consensual searches of homes
- September - Limitations on fingerprint evidence
- August - Latest law from Tallahassee
- July - Police officers assisting probation officers in warrantless searches
- June - Flight upon sight of law enforcement
- May - Filing felony charges
- April - How do you know they know?
- March - Warrantless arrests of probation and community control violators
- February - Using confidential informants with pending charges or on probation
- January - When the victim recants or is uncooperative
- 2000 -
1990 - 1999
- November - Lawmakers Again Address Juvenvile Crime Issues
- October - New Different Miranda in Florida
- June - Investigating Child Sexual and Physical Abuse?
- March - New SAO Computer System Requires Accurate Reports
- February - Charging in Vehicle Theft Cases
- January - DUI Blood Draw Update
- 1999 -
- June - 3 Types of Citizen Police Encounters
- July - Juvenile Law Update
- August - Roundup of 1995 Criminal Justice Legislation
- 1995 -
- January - FL Supreme Court Expands Defendant's right to Counsel
- March - Search Warrant Requirements Tighened by Florid Court
- April - Thorough Reports Help Us Prosecute Your Cases
- May - Obscene or Harrassing Phone Calls
- June - Officers Need To Be Clear & Consistent With Their Own
- July- Be Careful If You Are Dropping, Knock and Announce
- August - Change at HRS Prompts Change in Juvenile System
- November - Plain TalkAbout Plain Feel
- December - Under What Circumstances Can LEO's Make an Arrest Outs
- 1993 -
- January - Does a Victim Have a Right to Sign a Compliant
- February - Make Sure to Properly Notorize Your Reports
- April - Taping the Statements of Juveniles
- May - Be Prepared for Deposition
- June - New Offense for Stalking
- July- Using Conficted Felons as Witnesses
- August - Bringing the Noise Down to a Reasonable Level
- September - Legislative Roundup
- October - To Miranda or Not to Miranda
- December - The Use of Civil Infraction Citations in DUI Cases
- 1992 -
1980 - 1989
- April - Mere Possession of a Stolen Motor Vehicle is Not a Crime
- September - New Case Shows the Basics of Knock & Announce
- November - New Program to Prosecute Some Juveniles as Adults
- December - Concealed Fire Arm in Vehicle
- 1989 -
- January - Felony Intake System
- February - Investigative Update
- March - Just Being There is Not Enough
- April - Effective Use of the Eye Witness
- May - The defendant Needs a Copy of His Criminal Affidavit
- June - A Change in Filing Petit Theft
- August - Making the Best Taped Statements
- September/October - Knowing When You Do Not Have to Give Miranda Rights
- November - The Legislature Helps The Police
- 1988 -
- December - CH812 Theft
- 1987 -
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